The Broken Doll

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(An excerpt from Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul)

“One day my young daughter was late coming home from school. I was both annoyed and worried. When she came through the door, I demanded in my upset tone that she explain to me why she was late.

She said, “Mommy, I was walking home with Julie and halfway home Julie dropped her doll and it broke into lots of little pieces.

“Oh, Honey,” I replied, “you were late because you helped Julie pick up the pieces of her doll to put them back together.”

In her young and innocent voice, my daughter said, “No, Mommy. I didn’t know how to fix the doll. I just stayed to help Julie cry.”

My Two Cents

  • We often rush to the broken hearted with words of wisdom, scripture, and well-meaning advice. However, the heart broken are not a problem to be fixed. Most often, it is best to be present while they take the time they need to work through grief.

  • Travel together. The journey is filled with joy and sorrow. And what beauty there is in life when someone sticks around for both!

  • Share your burdens. The load is always lighter and more manageable when you have help. Numbers 11:17 says, “And I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone.

Love wins.



The Rosetta Mystery