
Why is lab-work a requirement?

First and foremost, your nutritional counselor and fitness trainer need to be aware of any and all health issues you have. Your nutritional counselor uses food as medicine to restore your body to a state of wellness. In most cases, as you lose weight this will affect your medication. Your doctor needs to be aware of the changes you are making in order to adjust your medications that would include but are not limited to insulin and blood pressure meds.

Second, as your body changes, so will your lab-work. Your lab-work is a means for your doctor and your nutritional counselor to gauge your results and make adjustments in your treatment plan.

Yearly Metabolic lab-work Tests

A big , “Thank you!” to High Intensity Health for sharing the following recommendations.

Many of your health care professionals do not order complete panels.

For overall health, wellness, and weight management the following tests are required for review.

  • Glucose

  • Calcium

  • Albumin

  • Total Protein

  • Globulin

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Magnesium (serum)

  • Phosphorus (serum)

  • CO2 (carbon dioxide, bicarbonate)

  • Chloride

  • BUN (blood urea nitrogen)

  • Breatinine

  • eGRF

  • ALP (alkaline phosphatase

  • ALT (alanine amino transferase, also called SGPT)

  • AST (aspartate amino transferase, also called SGOT)

  • GGT (Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase, aslo called GGTP)

  • Bilirubin

  • Complete Iron Panel: Iron, Ferritin, and Total Iron-building Capacity (TIBC)

  • DHEA-sulfate

  • Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c

  • Insulin

  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor I

  • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes

  • Lipid Panel (include ApoB)

  • hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein)

  • Vitamin D )1, 25-Hydroxycalciferol (Calcitriol) and Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy)

These are optional but recommended for hormonal and related health issues, consider testing every other year:

  • Fibrinogen Acitivity

  • Homocysteine **This test is highly subject to phlebotomist processing

  • Comprehensive Hormones (Estrogen, Estradiol, Total testosterone, Free testosterone, SHGB)

  • Comprehensive thyroid (TSH, Total t4, Free t3, reverse t3

  • Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Free: Total Ratio

**Thyroid testing can be expensive, consider evaluating

  • OmegaCheck (Arachidonic Acid/EPA Ratio, Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio, Omega-3 total, EPA, DPA, DHA, Omega-6 total)

*This is ordered through

**An omega-3 index below 6% is linked with increased risk of cardiovascular health complications

***Even if you eat a whole food diet, you may find your Omega-3 index is sub optimal